Caretaker Landscape Is All About Safety First When Working in Trees

Caretaker Landscape’s Tree Management team promotes Tree Worker Certification as an important element to promoting safe tree practices. The goal is and always has been to be a leading expert in Tree Management. As part of that mission, we are certifying our tree climbers and crew to be WCISA Certified Tree Workers. WCISA is the Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture. This nonprofit corporation comprised of over 3200 persons in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada was formed in 1934 to uphold the ISA’s (International Society of Arboriculture) “Code of Ethics” established to maintain the highest level of arboriculture education, standards and practice among tree professionals.
Some of the requirements to be a Certified Tree Worker includes but is not limited to the following:
- Minimum age of 19 1/2
- 18 months of documented full-time field experience in arboriculture.
- Signed waiver form
- Sponsor
- Safety equipment including work boots, hard hats, appropriate work clothing, safety glasses, and hearing protection. Climbing applicants must possess climbing saddles, climbing rope of appropriate size (120’), lanyard, handsaw and scabbard, pole pruner, and other equipment that is required to safely perform tree work
- ANSI approved equipment in good working condition or other equipment approved by the ISA.
- All applicants must pass a written, 2 hour, multiple choice examination covering: Tree Identification, Pruning, Biology, Safety, Planting, and Cabling
- Climbing applicants must pass a 30 minute performance practical examination covering: Safety, Pre-entry Inspections, Tree Climb, Knot Tying (6 of 7 types of knots), Rope Throw (20 – 25 feet), Work Climb (2 stations), Secured Entry, Descent, Advance Rope (to final tie-in position), and Tie-in.
- Aerial lift applicants must pass a 15 minute exam covering: Setting-up Lift, Entry Into Tree, Work Stations (2), Descent, Pre-entry Inspections, and Knot Tying (6 of 7 types of knots)
- Proof of training in CPR, first aid, and aerial rescue.
Caretaker Landscape recently held a First Aid and CPR training class through the American CPR Training organization, which provides C.A.R.E. (Compress Chest, Airway, Rescue Breathing, External Defibrillation) CPR and OSHA Certified First Aid at our central office in Gilbert for first time certification and for those who needed a refresher course. Whether you are a tree worker, a lifeguard, a parent or just someone who happens to be in the right place at the right time to save another person’s life, CPR and First Aid is a great idea for everyone to be certified in!
To request for a Tree Pruning and/or Palm Pruning Bid, please contact Eric Watson, Director of Tree Managment at
Eric is an ISA Certified Arborist (WE-9624A), SLM and ACPA Certified and has a degree in B.S of Horticulture and Turf Management