We are so excited to share the news!!! Seven of our communities won awards this weekend at the  ALCA 39th Annual Excellence in Landscaping Awards.ALCA 2015

Caretaker Landscape wins 5 ALCA awards for Commercial Maintenance

o   Montana Del Sol – Judges Award – Under $25,000

o   Pueblo at the Boulders – Award of Distinction – $25,001 to $50,000

o   Paseo Crossing – Judges Award – $50,001 to $150,000

o   Coldwater Springs – Award of Distinction – $150,001 to $250,000

o   ASU Research Park – Award of Distinction – $350,001 to $500,000

Caretaker Landscape wins first ALCA Awards for Commercial Installation as a company at 2 communities

o   Bella Via Park – Award of Distinction – $350,001 to $500,000

o   Encore at Eastmark – Award of Distinction – $500,001 to $1,000,000





Award Definitions:

Award of Distinction: Awards may be given to projects, which demonstrate superior levels of workmanship

and creativity. Entries must receive an 80% score or above to qualify for an Award of Distinction.

Only one Award of Distinction will be given per category.


Judges Award: Awards may be given to projects, which demonstrate distinguished levels of workmanship

and creativity. Entries must receive a 70% score or above; more than one Judges Award may be given in each
